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I love to read and chat about books.  I'm always honest in my reviews and I enjoy  hearing varied opinions and different point of views.

Fade (In the Company of Shadows, #3) - Santino Hassell,  Ais
This book, this series, deserves nothing less than 10 stars. Pure brilliance! I really can't believe it's over. But there's hope, for MORE! Although, this series is one of my favorites, Fade had a bit of an imbalance to it. I was dissappointed we didn't get to see Sin's POV until late in the book. I went through so many different emotions reading this series and I wouldn't trade a minute of it. What a ride. Thanks to all my GR friends for the support and laughs.

*Sigh* Hsin and Boyd's journey will never end for me.

Sonny & Ais, thank you!