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Frat Boy and Toppy - Anne Tenino 3.5 Stars

This book was lots of fun. There's nothing complicated about this story and that is exactly what I loved about it. Very little angst, just laughs. Brad, our closeted frat boy falls for his sexy history TA, Sebastian. I fell immediately for both MC's. There's a ton of sexual tension and hot sex.

I love this author's humor. There were so many laugh out loud moments. I didn't want the story to end. This will be added to my go-to-happy shelf for sure!

The only issue I had was the ending was just a little too perfect. Even for a romance, it was just an over-the-top love-fest.

Thoughts about the cover: At first whenever I saw this cover, all I did was cringe but now I think it's perfect and simply hilarious. It fits this story perfectly!